10 years Based!

10 years Based!

July 1, 2011 - July 1, 2021: Based has been in operation for ten years. This is a significant achievement in my life, and I am extremely proud of it. Because who would have thought that Based would one day become a full-fledged consultancy firm with staff? In any case, not me.  

Much has changed in the ten years since Based’s launch. We progressed from a one-person operation to a multi-person team, from small clients to market leaders, and from micro to macro projects. We moved along with the rapid (technological) developments around us and continued to grow in every possible way, until we arrived where are now. 

Based 2011

Let's go back to where it all began. After years of working as an employee, I decided to start a business together with a friend. We formed a pleasant combination as an architect (he) and construction engineer (I), focusing on engineering and design. A fun fact is that the name Based is a fusion of our last names BAvel and Saura & Engineering and Design. When we decided to part ways, I was allowed to continue using the Based name. That is something I will always be grateful for. 

3D construction is the future

On July 1st,2011, the one-person business Based became a reality, and from there, I had to decide which path I wanted to take. That doesn't seem easy, but I already knew that I wanted to focus on BIM within the construction industry. During my job at Pellikaan Bouwbedrijf, I first became acquainted with working in 3D and communicating with this 3rd dimension. Using 3D visualizations, I was able to clarify and solve technical bottlenecks with the client and team much faster. 

This was confirmation for me that 3D building (and therefore BIM) is the future. And thus, also the future of Based. It turned out to be a hit, but I didn’t know that at the time. 

Beyond BIM

When I started, BIM still seemed like a hype, but by 2013, it had proven to be a keeper in the Dutch construction industry. Since then, Based has expanded. After 10 years of doing business in the digital world of construction, Based is now beyond BIM. Of course, you can still come to us for working with BIM. Nonetheless, we see that in this world, where sustainability and digitalization are becoming more relevant, data is becoming increasingly important. 

The changes in the market are demanding more and more data-driven work. Within that mindset, BIM is not a goal in itself but part of a much broader picture: the organization's digitalization. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust your general business strategy to match it to take part in the future. And that is where we help our clients.

Long-term relationships

Something I am enormously proud of - and grateful for - are our long-standing relationships. Market players, both bigger and smaller, who have been with Based since the beginning and are still clients today. They have each left with their own imprint on the evolution of Based. I am thinking here of VolkerWessels and Schiphol, but also of innovative family businesses such as Pellikaan Bouwbedrijf and Müller Bouw. But of course, we are happy with all our clients, let that be the main point.

Team Based 

Based is no longer a one man show by now. Thank God for that. It's not just about me anymore; we do it together. Each team member has their expertise, and with that, we strengthen each other on all fronts. I would never have managed on my own to do the things we do now. That is the result of combining knowledge and of taking on assignments as a team instead of individually. This has proven itself once again during Covid; we have come out of this period much stronger, more modern, and newer.

As I built a team around me, I also dared to let go. The ambitions of Based were too great for me to handle alone, which resulted in the arrival of Hanneke, now co-owner of Based, 2019. We decided to join forces and merge our companies after many years of intensive collaboration. A big step, but the right one. Because that made the foundation of Based even more vital, and we were able - and still are - to realize our ambitions even better. 

Since the start of Based, we are growing more and more from BIM experts to change managers. We don't just implement tools and technology but focus primarily on increasing the customer value of our clients. So, we are working on their future. It is no longer about the tools but about the company, the people, and the processes they want to improve.

We help organizations incorporate digital development, building, and management into their vision and strategy. Furthermore, we assist their teams in getting started. As a result, we are engaged in both strategic and tactical activities. Over the years, we have developed our Based methodology, which makes sense. This fully reflects our core values; personal, pragmatic, and independent. By now, I no longer carry this out on my own, but it is embedded in the entire team. I am enormously proud of that.

Based – on your future

All these developments led to change in early 2021. Our vision, strategy, and vision of the future had changed so much that it no longer matched our telling story. So, we put our heads together and came up with a new profile and positioning that was a 100% match.

We genuinely believe that digitization is the key to success. But digitalization is more than just technology. That is why we focus on the strategic, process, and human sides of organizations. We reason from the company's strengths: not just the management, but also the employees. That's the only way to do it. That is also what distinguishes Based from others; people frequently continue to reason based on the capabilities of tools and technology. 

Our profile is founded on three pillars: data strategy, innovative information management, and digital asset management. These pillars form not only our rock-solid foundation for the future but also that of our clients. In short:

Based – on your future.  

On to 2031!

Now that we have a new base to build on, it's time for the next significant steps. I've always had international ambitions, and it's great that these ambitions are now becoming tangible in the form of international collaborations. Another step forward. And that's a good thing because I'm still far from finished with Based!

In this way, I would like to thank the team and Hanneke for their vision, drive, and relentless effort. And of course, all our clients and dear relations for their trust in us in the past years. Without you, there would be no Based in the year 2021. On to the next 10 years!
